It's that time again - back to school shopping with my mom and sisters! Every year, these all-girls trips are becoming more and more precious to me. I love spending time with my best friends to just laugh, eat, shop, and eat some more. We definitely know how to have a good time! Obviously, I cannot post about EVERYTHING that went on and EVERYTHING we talked about. There's an unspoken, unwritten rule to never share what REALLY goes on during these quick 4 days, but here's a little glimpse of our Annual Furniss Girls' Shopping Trip!
Remmy was an ANGEL the entire weekend. Sat right down there in her stroller and I think we even forgot she was there half the time. Just give that baby her paci and woogie and she's is good to go!
Livv at H and M: She is SUCH a shopper! Definitely one of the girls. She was like a kid in a candy store watching the dude ring up all her new school clothes. Livvie made sure that we went to Build a Bear. Both girls were in HEAVEN.
Livv at H and M: She is SUCH a shopper! Definitely one of the girls. She was like a kid in a candy store watching the dude ring up all her new school clothes. Livvie made sure that we went to Build a Bear. Both girls were in HEAVEN.
Don't worry, we also shopped for us big girls, too. A LOT. Dad bought us swimming suits. We sent him a picture to tell thank him. :) Throughout all the years, dad has been a trooper to let us spend a little of his money now and then! LOVE you DAD! We also never went hungry... A girl's gotta eat, right? RIGHT!? `We LOVE Cheesecake factory! I highly recommend the Asian or Mexican Lettuce Wraps. MMM!
We also had a lot of fun at our condo. Things got a little wedgie-ful, if ya know what I mean. And it wouldn't be our girls trip without a diaper-in-the-bed prank. And we made it to Music and the Spoken Word! My recently new fav place to be on Sunday morning! We also made it to the Parade of Homes! Check out this cottage/mansion. We love looking at houses! Special thanks to the hubby for letting me spend a little mula. I live for that time with my sisters and mom! Thanks for another successful girls trip. Woot!