Saturday, June 30, 2012

We're in VEGAS, Baby!!

I know you're all dying to know what I do all day... 
OH WOW, where do I START!?!
Well, I've read a few books - for work and for fun. I LOVE going to workout classes at the gym, too. My favorite right now is body pump and turbo kick. I'm so tough, I know. 
Plus, Jaren is dang lucky to come home to a full course dinner every night and clean laundry in his closet. I kinda like being a full-time house wife! I've also packed along my mom's old sewing machine and made a few little goodies...
Homemade mermaid tail. I mean, maxi skirt. It is soo comfy. Fabric bunting! Now these are fun to make. and way easy! Yes, I forgot my iron so I'll have to finish it when I get home. This is for Jill - I owe her my life for doing all my wedding pics so I made her some photog props. I hung it up in the kitchen and jaren came home and said, "what is that thing?" ..Doesn't he have pinterest?!
One afternoon, I even went out on the doors with Jaren! I put on one of his polos and hats and lathered up in SPF. I don't know how Jaren does this for 9 hours in the heat everyday. It was hard work! Some people were even kinda rude to us. And everyone had dogs that barked... I hated that part! We also like to check out the Outlet Malls. 
One night, we went out to the strip and had dinner at PF Changs. Got the best/most accurate fortune! I do love being down here with my hubby :)
I also stamp all his flyers for him... and work on my wedding book write up. 
Plus, Jaren is addicted to Otterpops...I am not kidding. He eats them by the dozen. (okay, okay I help him) The truth is, I love this guy. And its been tons of fun being out here with him for a few weeks! I'll be sad to go back to Provo next monday, but will be happy to get back to work :)

Jaren practicing his daddy skills (to use WAY in the future)

It was so nice outside the day before we came to Vegas. We were driveway-dwelling (ya, I made that up) at the Aponte's watching our cutiepies with their stylin' sunglasses ride bikes up and down the street. Easton was lovin livver's new pink/blue bike! Livvers was not happy. She fell somehow and hurt her knee and refused to play. Our sweet little 3 yr old niece has developed a little tude lately! She is still so stinkin adorable. I just love that lip she gives when she's pouting. I used to have one just like it as a little girl... Jaren wanted to make her happy.... (he actually just REALLY wanted to go for a bike ride!) so he offered to take her around the block on the bike! We had just come my friend's wedding; oooooh those argyle socks. We couldn't convince Livv to go. And so he went alone. He looks gooooood riding that bike with a baby carrier, yeah!?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Temporarily moving..

I get to see my jar-bear tomorrow! and be with him for a WHOLE 4 weeks :) suppperr excited!
I kinda like him.I'm moving to be with him in Viva Las Vegas while he sells pest control, and I lounge all day long. How do I do that?? I've never NOT been in school or at work, so this will be fun! I'll think I'll get bored, though (my plans WERE to lay out by the pool all day and damage my skin.... but now that's out). So I might go knock with him out on the doors wearing a huge wide-brimmed hat with "Proguard" embroidered on it Jaren thinks it'll be easier to make a sale with a pretty face next to him on the stoop ;)